Socialist Educators Happy Hour 🍻

Tomorrow Friday, May 17th 6pm

Chuck's Hop Shop in the Central District 

Join educators, families, union activists, and socialists to help plan a fight back against cuts and closures. Come prepared to share your ideas for how to build high-quality public schools for all. Everyone is welcome to attend! 


No School Closures!

Tax the Rich!

School Closures Threaten Our Communities: On May 8, during “teacher appreciation week,” the Seattle School Board voted to consider closing 20 of our 70 elementary schools. This plan would disrupt thousands of families, force student relocations, and jeopardize educator jobs. It would be the largest school closure in the US since Chicago in 2013.

In addition, the district wants to cut school budgets and increase class sizes in secondary schools from 30:1 to 31:1. (Seattle Times, May 9)

We Need More, Not Less: Our schools are losing students, but the answer isn't bigger classes and closures. We need smaller class sizes, stronger community ties, and a focus on individual development, inclusion, and both academic and social growth. Closing schools pushes us in the wrong direction and will only encourage more families to leave the public system.

Unused Space is an Opportunity: The district claims low building capacity (around 65%) as a reason for closures. This is a perfect chance to reduce class sizes without extra costs! Especially after the challenges of Covid, we need to prioritize smaller class sizes to support student learning and development. Our elementary schools should not have any classes larger than 18 students.

School Closures Don't Save Money: Even the Seattle Times (May 9) says significant savings are unlikely just due to building closures without staff layoffs. The superintendent claims this is about creating better resourced schools. Seattle Public Schools wrote to all families about a “system of well-resourced elementary schools.” Fewer staff for the same number of students is the opposite of well-resourced schools.

Tax the Rich to Fund Our Schools: Seattle Public Schools claim in their email to all families (May 9) that there is no alternative to school closures: “If we maintain the current system, we will need to reduce services.” Let's change the current system where corporations receive welfare and schools are underfunded. Seattle, Washington State, and the federal government have failed to adequately fund education. Washington is one of the wealthiest states in the US, yet our schools are suffering. It's time to tax the rich and Big Business who are raking in record profits. 

Broken Political System: We're tired of politicians prioritizing corporate interests over our schools. The Democratic Party controls Seattle, Olympia and the White House. Billions go to corporate welfare, while our tax system unfairly burdens working-class families.

The educators' union, SEA, the parent associations, students and families, and many more are needed to come together to fight for fully-funded schools.

Time to Get Involved

If working people are going to win high-quality education, affordable housing, living wages, Medicare for All, and to stop the US funding for wars around the globe, we'll need to get organized, come together in strong movements, and build our own political party. Let's step up to build an alternative to the Wall Street Democrats and the even more dangerous far-right Republicans. If you are not a member of DSA yet, join us today:

We are fighting for a democratic socialist society – a society based on human need, not corporate greed. A society where we have democratic control over the huge wealth that working class people produce and can use in the interests of the many, not the few. We need a political revolution against the billionaire class.


Socialist Job Fair

This Saturday, May 18

11am - 2pm


  • Sick and tired of your current employment / under-employment / unemployment?
  • Alienated and alone at work, without a socialist in sight?

Get a job organizing with other socialists!

  • Do political work on the job, not just in the evening and on weekends!
  • Build working class power where we have the most leverage (the strike weapon) against the capitalists – at work!
  • Build social and political relationships with your co-workers, meet regularly with DSA members to plan and carry out campaigns to improve working conditions, organize a union or invigorate an existing union, and eventually spread the socialist message and connect co-workers with the DSA and wider working-class campaigns.

Shaun Scott Kickoff Mega Canvass!

This Sunday, May 16


Ross Park

It’s time to bring socialism to Olympia! Canvas with us to support SDSA-endorsed candidate Shaun Scott as he runs to represent the 43rd legislative district in the WA state assembly.

Shaun is currently running unopposed, and we want to keep it that way! Show up to show any corporate Democrat thinking about running that Shaun’s volunteer base is unmatched!

We’ll also be gathering signatures for the I-137 ballot initiative which would put taxing big business to fund Seattle’s social housing program on the ballot!

We’ll meet spread out in teams around Fremont and meet back for a social in Ross Park (or nearby).

No experience required, training will be provided on site and you will be paired with experienced volunteers!


11am: Meet and greet with the candidate at Ross Park! Get training and supplies and group into teams.

11:30am: Head out to our respective locations for signature gathering!
2pm: We’ll meet back up at Ross Works to debrief over some food!