Republicans have launched an all-out assault on DEI

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

If you take a look at the legislation Republicans are advancing across the country, you'll notice a disturbing theme:

The GOP has waged an all-out war on diversity, equity, and inclusion. From Capitol Hill, to state legislatures, and public colleges, they have focused their efforts on making DEI the “boogeyman” and entrenching systemic discrimination against marginalized groups.

This full-court press against DEI initiatives looks like:

I would love to know, really, what they are so afraid of. What about diversity, equity, and inclusion are they so threatened by? Culture wars against DEI are a dangerous political stunt and another step towards white supremacy. If we don’t fight back, racism, antisemitism, ableism, sexism, and transphobia will become more rampant and the enablers of this bigotry, more emboldened.

So alongside Congressman Jamie Raskin, I’ve introduced legislation that would codify racial equity and ensure the federal government promotes equal opportunity for everyone in America. If you’re committed to doing this work alongside me, make a donation to help ensure we have the resources we need to continue leading on policies that will advance justice and equity for all.

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Look: It is no surprise that the same people complaining about DEI are the same people who complained about the Me Too movement, about Black Lives Matter, about the ERA, about the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and so much more. This is a part of a wider Republican effort to rip away our freedoms. And, might I add that the opposition is majority, overwhelmingly white and male.

Republicans’ war on DEI only further proves why these initiatives are so needed in the first place. America needs DEI to disrupt systems of oppression that are active in every facet of our society. I’m committed to keep fighting for equity and justice for all, not just the wealthy and well-connected. And I hope you’re with me in this fight.

A contribution of any amount would support our work to disrupt systems of oppression and fend off Republican attacks on our most fundamental freedoms. Can you chip in?

Yours in service,
