This is HUGE, team!
The Biden-Harris administration is delivering on a major campaign promise. The DEA is poised to reclassify cannabis as a Schedule III drug, and President Biden just announced his support.
This means weed would no longer be lumped in with heroin and ecstasy as a highly addictive, dangerous drug. Instead, it would join Tylenol with codeine and testosterone in Schedule III where potential penalties for possessing it can be much lower.
We know that the Biden-Harris administration will take notice if they hear from enough young voters that this is important. You can help push this over the finish line if you act now. Add your name to our petition calling on the President to get this done.
Criminalizing weed to such an extent has ruined tens of thousands of lives and disproportionately affected Black and Brown Americans.
President Biden openly acknowledged America’s racist drug policies on the campaign trail and pledged to decriminalize weed. And now we’re one step closer to seeing that promise fulfilled.
But our work isn’t done yet.
The fight to #LegalizeIt is still ongoing, and we need the power of the youth vote to make it happen. Will you add your name to our petition to tell President Biden to keep fighting for full decriminalization of weed?
Thanks for using your voice,
NextGen America