What do history’s most famous
dictatorships have in common? Citizens thought they would never happen
in the first place. They thought that their country was different and
that if push came to shove, the people would keep things free. Because
there’s never been anything close to a dictatorship in this country,
we easily forget how quickly things can change.

But now,
we’re being threatened. Even though this country was built on freedom
and has been a functioning democracy for over 250 years, it can happen
here. In 2021, we saw it come close. All it took was an orange lunatic
not accepting election results, and next thing you know, there’s a mob
of people in red hats trying to hang the vice president. Can you
imagine if it worked? If our government was actually taken over? If
Trump never left office?
stopped one attempt at a Trump second term. Now it’s time to do it
again. The people need to know how dangerous this man is. Especially
his second time around. He’s already telling us he’s going to be a
dictator. Are we really going to give him that chance? Help
us get through November with our democracy intact
-The Lincoln Project