Dear John,

As I read more headlines about the pandemic, my thoughts remain with you and the well-being of my loved ones, colleagues, and many communities we serve at BREATHE LA.

Families living with chronic lung diseases such as asthma often face stressful and difficult questions like, “Can using a nebulizer increase the possibility of spreading the COVID-19 virus to my family?”

Those living with asthma and their caregivers may face stress and anxiety, as they have a higher risk for a poorer prognosis if diagnosed with COVID-19. That is why BREATHE LA offers chronic lung disease education, to keep families updated on current COVID-19 news and advise families that every effort should be made to practice social distancing when taking medications through a nebulizer.

Stress and anxiety brought on by COVID-19 can be overwhelming for all of our communities. Here are a few helpful tips from the World Health Organization that I hope will help you and your friends and family during this difficult time:
As we learn to cope with stress and continue to overcome the challenges we face during this crisis, your commitment to BREATHE LA has made it possible for us to serve families living with chronic lung disease.
Consider making a meaningful gift online to help BREATHE LA continue to create hope for those living with asthma.

Thank you for your continued support and stay safe.

In Health,
Marc Carrel
President & CEO

P.S. Share what brings you hope on social media. Tag us @breathelac and #breatheinhope to spread hope throughout the month of April.