The progress we've made to end the Electoral College and enact the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is far too important to risk allowing Republicans back into Senate control.
And, right now, battleground Democratsneed our immediate support.
Wisconsin: TIED
Nevada: D+1
Montana: R+3
Ohio: TIED
Arizona: TIED
Remember: Republicans will everything in their power to keep the Electoral College in place, because they know that gaming the system is their best chance to win the Presidency.
And Remember: Donald Trump has endorsed MAGA loyalists in every last one of these races who has vowed to be a rubber-stamp for his extremist agenda!
Thank you for supporting Abolish the Electoral College. With over 100,000 activists dedicated to abolishing the electoral college, we are the premier group mobilizing to end this antiquated and unjust system.
When the next generation asks what you did to stop Trump and prevent another disaster like him, you’ll be able to say you were a proud member of Abolish the Electoral College.
Emails are a crucial way of staying in touch with supporters, and it’s our primary method for raising money and mobilizing supporters to take down this unjust system. We rely on supporters like you pitching in an average donation of $15 to fuel our efforts.Please donate today!