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May 16, 2024

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A One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Prompt Payment Will Hurt Homebuilding in B.C.
Journal of Commerce

While other segments of the construction industry in British Columbia advocate for prompt payment, the residential sector sees it differently: The concept of Prompt Payment would harm the homebuilding industry.

This week, CHBA BC CEO, Neil Moody, spoke with the Journal of Commerce to reiterate the association's position that prompt Payment would create additional regulatory hurdles to building when small firms are already bogged down with a bureaucratic permitting structure and significant delays.

"We have to understand that each sector of construction has different needs in terms of timelines and processes," Moody said. "It may work for the ICI sector and that's great. We absolutely want contractors to get paid, but we've heard from our members that it would add costs and they're already under an enormous regulatory burden."

The full article is available here.


The Countdown is on to the 2024 Georgie Awards!

T-minus 10 days until the 2024 Georgie Awards brings together B.C.'s homebuilding industry to celebrate the year's best projects in new construction, renovation, interior design, landscaping and sales and marketing.

After months of preparation, reviewing entries and organizing an amazing night of entertainment, the winners will finally be revealed in front of a sold-out crowd on Saturday, May 25, at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver.

A big thank you to the record number of sponsors whose support guarantees the gala remains an unforgettable evening dedicated to honouring the excellence within B.C.'s homebuilding industry.

Unlock the Secrets of the BC Zero Carbon Step Code
CHBA BC Education

Don't miss your chance to attend the first two stops of the "road show" for CHBA BC's exclusive in-person workshop, Simplifying Complex Carbs: Examining the Zero Carbon Step Code.

The course is coming to Victoria on May 30 and Burnaby on June 6 and then won't be back until fall 2024.

The session takes a deep dive into the intricacies of the BC Zero Carbon Step Code revealing its significance and impact on the industry. In the wake of increasingly and impactful severe weather events, the true price of maintaining business as usual has become apparent. Recognizing the shift in home buyers' priorities towards resilience, comfort and health, this course will provide an exploration of carbon reduction.

  • Thursday, May 30 (Victoria)
  • Thursday, June 6 (Burnaby)
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PDT
Cost: $299 (Exclusive 25% discount for CHBA BC members!)
7 CPD Points

Register Here

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Matt McCurrach Steps Into Role as CHBA National President
CHBA National

We are pleased to share the news the Past President of both CHBA BC and CHBA Central Interior, Matt McCurrach has taken on the role of CHBA National President.

Matt delivered his inaugural speech at the State of the Association briefings during CHBA National's Home Building Week in Canada in St. John, New Brunswick.

As usual, Matt spoke from the heart and celebrated his new role with his family in the front row. Matt shared about his start in the industry, his passion for construction and the collaboration he's been a part of at all three levels of the association.

We're also pleased to report Matt has selected CHBA BC Past Presidents, Alex Tavuchis and Brian Charlton as his presidential appointees.

CHBA CI Brings Home Community Service Award From Home Building Week in Canada
CHBA National

Congratulations to Rose Choy and the team at CHBA Central Interior for winning the Community Service Award at last week's Association Leadership Awards during Home Building Week in Canada.

The Community Service Award recognizes a local or provincial HBA for their community service or charitable projects that demonstrate the commitment of the housing industry to making a difference in the quality of life in their communities.


Federal Government Provides Funding to Expand B.C. Heat Pump Rebate Program
Government of BC

A federal investment of over 100 million from Canada's Low Carbon Economy Fund and the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) program will be used by British Columbia to provide grants for residents to switch their home heating systems from oil, propane or natural gas to cleaner heating and cooling option.

Income-qualified applicants could receive a rebate of as much as $16,000 to switch to high-efficiency heat pumps in homes currently heated with oil. With the support of the Low Carbon Economy fund, these changes will also apply to homes heated with natural gas and propane. This is an increase in support of approximately 70% from B.C.'s existing rebate program.

Those who are eligible and living in northern B.C. can access up to an additional $3,000 toward the installation of a heat pump. Homes that require an electrical system upgrade can also qualify for a rebate of up to $5,000 to complete the work.

The full announcement is available here with a link to the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program.

Municipalities Falling Short of Provincial Housing Targets in First Progress Reports

The first 10 municipalities given housing targets by the BC Government have released six-month progress reports and the majority are behind.

The progress reports indicate net new dwelling units (issuance of occupancy permits or final building inspection, minus demolitions) within the six months since the targets were set (October 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024). The numbers have been benchmarked against municipalities' targets for the first year. The next progress reports are due at the one-year mark in November of this year.

The housing targets for the next 20 municipalities announced earlier this year are expected to be set, and housing targets released, in the summer.

2025 Design Registration Fee Consultation
Technical Safety BC

Technical Safety BC (TSBC) is inviting stakeholders to participate in its design registration fee consultation. TSBC is proposing fee changes for gas (GA), elevating devices (ED), boilers, pressure vessels and refrigeration (BPVR) design registration applications for 2025.

The proposed fees contribute to supporting investments in new technology to improve speed of service, application workflow and client support. You can view the full list of enhancements to design registration on our consultation Engage page.

Consultation is open from May 8 – June 14. Your input will help TSBC understand the impacts of the fee changes and the improvements that stakeholders would like to see in the design registration process.

Participate in the consultation

Weekly Update
Canadian Home Builders' Association of British Columbia
400-6400 Roberts Street | Burnaby, B.C., V5G 4C9
604-432-7112 | Contact Us | Privacy Policy

Mary Todd Anthony, Content Editor, Multiview
289-695-5401 | Contact me
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