Seattle Aquarium, June 12 No images? Click here John, Since time immemorial, Native peoples have met their needs while maintaining a balance with nature. Western culture and economics sought to dominate these ancient lifeways. This focus on power and extraction has, in just a few centuries, pushed both communities and ecosystems to the brink. Washington Conservation Action is thrilled to support and invite you to an evening elevating Indigenous voices and reimagining how we are connected with nature and with each other. Join us for All Our Relations: Tribute to the Orca on June 12 from 6:30 p.m. at the Seattle Aquarium. This event is presented by Se’Si’Le, an Indigenous-led nonprofit in Washington State and is supported by a coalition of NGOs and faith-based partners. The evening will focus on the Southern Resident orcas whose survival, like the survival of Indigenous lifeways, depends on scha’enexw, the Salmon People. Native leaders from across the region will speak to the sacred obligation to both past and future generations. Tickets are available on a sliding scale basis. Indigenous peoples can attend free-of charge! What: All Our Relations: Tribute to the Orca Hope to see you there, Rein Attemann (he/him) |