FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 16, 2024 Contact: Drew Feldkirchner, DNR Natural Heritage Conservation Director [email protected] or 608-235-3905
DNR Offers $25 Rebate On Endangered Resources License Plates
Sales Provide Support For Wisconsin?s
Native Species In Need
 The Endangered Resources license plate rebate offer is available now through Dec. 31, 2024. Revenue from plate sales, tax form donations and state matching funds have accounted for as much as 40% of funding for endangered species conservation in Wisconsin. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
MADISON, Wis. ??The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is celebrating National Endangered Species Day (May 17, 2024) by offering a $25 rebate for new purchases of Endangered Resources license plates now through Dec. 31, 2024.
For 30 years, sales of Endangered Resources license plates have played a critical role in funding DNR conservation work for more than 400 wildlife species and 300 plant species listed as endangered, threatened or special concern. The DNR works across departments and with partners and volunteers to locate, protect and manage native plants, animals and Wisconsin?s natural communities from the common to the critically endangered.
One example of how funds are used is the creation and upkeep of the nation's most extensive system of State Natural Areas, preserving native ecosystems and special geologic features. These sites provide habitat for many of the state?s endangered plant and animal species. ?
?The $25 rebate helps more people participate in an easy way to support special species and places in Wisconsin," said Drew Feldkirchner, DNR Natural Heritage Conservation Director.
The Endangered Resources license plate is $40. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) receives $15 from the purchase and $25 goes to the DNR?s Endangered Resources Fund.?
Revenues from plate sales, along with tax form donations and state matching funds, have accounted for as much as 40% of funding for endangered species conservation in some years. In fiscal year 2023, license plate sales raised $478,005 for conservation of endangered resources.
How To Buy An Endangered Resources Plate And Get A Rebate
The rebate offer is available through Dec. 31, 2024, for people who buy new Endangered Resources license plates or for current plateholders who switch from one plate design to another. License plates can be purchased at anytime; there is no need to wait for registration renewal.
To buy a new plate, complete the WisDot Endangered Resources License Plate Application Form (WisDOT form MV2858). Then, download, print off and mail in a $25 rebate coupon from the DNR?s website. Please allow up to six weeks to process the rebate checks.