Celebrating progress this Endangered Species Day |                                               
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance  Donate
Wins for Wildlife

Swooping overhead, scurrying underfoot, and rustling through treetops and grasses, wildlife all around us are thriving because of the conservation efforts you make possible. You bring innovative technology, cutting-edge science, and global collaboration to the farthest corners of Earth every day, putting our century of expertise into action where it’s needed most.

You’re making all the difference. As Endangered Species Day approaches, let these tales of triumph remind you that when we work together to protect wildlife, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish!

Room to Grow

For the first time in nearly 50 years, critically endangered eastern black rhinos are once again roaming their native rangelands across Loisaba Conservancy in Northern Kenya. With your support, we collaborated with partners to establish a new sanctuary so growing rhino populations have the resources they need to thrive. WELCOME HOME >

Branching Out

Lord Howe Island stick insects are so rare they were once thought to be extinct. Now conservationists across the globe are boosting populations for this critically endangered species. Branch out and see this growth in action at the San Diego Zoo’s Wildlife Explorers Basecamp. INSPIRING INSECTS >

Soaring Success

In 1982, there were only 22 California condors remaining. Today more than 500 soar across the deserts and coastlines of the Southwest—and you’re the wind beneath their wings. Join us in celebrating the 250th chick hatched at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. PIP PIP HOORAY >

Coastal Comeback

A tiny mouse is making a mighty comeback along the Southern California coast thanks to collaborative reintroduction efforts. Tune in to our Amazing Wildlife podcast to hear how your support is securing the future for Pacific pocket mice. LISTEN UP >

Doubling Down

Przewalski’s horses disappeared from their native habitat in the 1960s, and partners around the world collaborated to protect and restore populations. Discover how our Wildlife Biodiversity Bank and an unusual set of twins represent the essential next step in saving these wild horses. GREENER PASTURES >

Preserving Biodiversity

Of the Safari Park’s 1,800 acres, 1,000 are set aside as the Biodiversity Reserve, an undeveloped stretch of critical native sage scrub and chaparral habitat. It was recently designated as a protected space by 30x30 California, which is part of an international goal of preserving 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030. CONSERVATION AT HOME >

John, your ongoing support makes a lifesaving difference for vulnerable wildlife. As a Wildlife Hero, your monthly gift will fuel critical conservation efforts in San Diego and across the globe, bringing us closer to a world where all life thrives. For all the progress you’ve made possible, and for the efforts that will blossom and grow with your generosity, we are forever grateful for you. On behalf of wildlife everywhere, thank you for all that you do.
Your monthly gift will make a world of a difference for wildlife.