United States Department of State Office of Inspector General
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Inspection of Embassy Dili, Timor-Leste [ [link removed] ] 05/16/2024 06:12 AM EDT
*What OIG Inspected*
OIG inspected the operating environment, executive direction, policy and program implementation, resource management, and information management operations of Embassy Dili.
*What OIG Recommends*
OIG made 25 recommendations to Embassy Dili. In its comments on the draft report, the embassy concurred with all 25 recommendations. OIG considers all 25 recommendations resolved. The embassy’s response to each recommendation, and OIG’s reply, can be found in the Recommendations section of this report. The embassy’s formal response is reprinted in its entirety in Appendix B.
*What OIG Found*
* The Chargé d’Affaires and acting Deputy Chief of Mission led Embassy Dili by example in a professional and collaborative manner which fostered employee morale and productivity.
* The embassy’s interagency coordination was generally good, although the Front Office needed to improve coordination with the U.S. Agency for International Development.
* Embassy Dili suffered from chronic staffing gaps and difficulty in attracting Foreign Service bidders. Embassy staff demonstrated resilience despite these staffing issues.
* The embassy did not conduct joint progress evaluations with the government of Timor-Leste for projects funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, as required by Article 4 of the 2010 Letter of Agreement between the U.S. and Timor-Leste.
* The embassy’s consular space was inadequate and poorly configured and did not meet Department of State guidelines. The space issues precluded the embassy from fully delivering nonimmigrant visa services.
* The embassy did not seek Department permission to convert four shipping containers into functional spaces.
* Motor pool operations were not managed by the embassy in compliance with Department standards.
* The Department’s Inventory and Logistics Management System loanable property module was not used by the embassy to issue and track information technology assets.
* The embassy’s records retirement practices did not fully comply with Department standards.
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