A note from Power of the Patriot
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All across the country, we’re seeing cities choose to defund the police. Much of this is because of the death of George Floyd. People demanded that the police be defunded because they weren’t doing the job. They were hurting instead of protecting.

Is this really the best way to reform law enforcement? Is cutting the funds for police departments really going to help keep cities safe?

Well, we’re seeing how crime is up. We’re seeing how it’s taking longer for 9-1-1 calls to be addressed. Perhaps, defunding isn’t the most reasonable way to provide a law enforcement reform. Maybe, there needs to be better training, more oversight, and even action taken against officers who aren’t serving and protecting.

What do you think? Is defunding the best option to reform law enforcement agencies?

Share your thoughts with us now on this quick and anonymous poll.

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Power of the Patriot, 4801 Linton Blvd. #11A-636, Delray Beach, FL 33445 USA
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