Dear Friends, 

Today’s the day – the National Day of Action to End Solitary Confinement! I’m looking forward to leading a delegation of people from the state where I live, New Jersey, as we lobby our members of Congress today. Altogether, nearly 200 advocates from over 35 states will join meetings with Congressional staffers and members in today's Virtual Day of Action to support the End Solitary Confinement Act. NRCAT is glad to join with our partners in the Federal Anti-Solitary Taskforce in these virtual visits. Thank you to those of you who signed up to join these meetings.

To all, you can join today’s National Day of Action to End Solitary Confinement by asking your members of Congress to co-sponsor the bill, joining a webinar at noon ET to learn more about the use of solitary in immigrant detention, and more:

In solidarity,

Johnny Perez 
Director, NRCAT’s U.S. Prisons Program 

“Revolutions do not happen only in grand moments in public view but also in small pockets of people coming together to inhabit a new way of being. We birth the beloved community by becoming the beloved community.” – Valarie Kaur

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