No Bailouts for Campus CriminalsSenators introduce legislation banning student loan bailouts for campus criminalsSenator Tom Cotton (R-AR) introduced the No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act last week. This legislation would prevent any rioter or violent protestor on college campuses convicted of a crime from having their student loans forgiven. The bill comes after widespread, antisemitic protests continue to spread on college campuses across the United States. “Americans who never went to college or responsibly paid off their debts shouldn’t have to pay off other people’s student loans. They especially shouldn’t have to pay off the loans of Hamas sympathizers shutting down and defacing campuses,” said Senator Cotton. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) added, “Students who have been convicted of a crime for engaging in the vicious riots on college campuses across the country should be held accountable for their actions. It’s innately un-American for taxpayers to be paying off their federal student loan debts when they have caused chaos and committed crimes on college campuses because they support Hamas terrorists.” The First Amendment protects speech, but it does not protect trespassing, harassment, or violence. Send Washington a message: Tell your Senators to co-sponsor and support the No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act today. Senate Conservatives Fund is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell Senate Conservatives Fund that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won't be charged unless they enable payments. |