Holy Mass and May Crowning
Fatima feast day celebration:
Commemorating the 107th anniversary of the first apparition of Our
Lady at Fatima
Dear Friend,
Catholic Action for Faith and
Family commemorated the feast of Our Lady of Fatima on Monday, May
13th, with its fifth annual Fatima Marian Event: A Holy Mass offered
by Bishop Ramón Bejarano of the
Diocese of San Diego, as well as a Crowning of Catholic Action’s
beautifully sculptured replica of the International Pilgrim Statue of
Our Lady of Fatima. The first class relics of the two shepherd
children Our Lady appeared to, Saints Jacinta and Francisco were
present for veneration.
It was the 107th anniversary of the
first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima. The event was live-streamed to
Catholic Action Rosary warriors around the world who “Stormed Heaven”
along with more than several hundred of the faithful in attendance
from San Diego and the surrounding area. (View the photo gallery).
The program began with Jimmy Aitchison, Executive Director of
Catholic Action for Faith and Family highlighting the Marion event
which began five years ago during
the pandemic and which has since blossomed
into a highly welcomed annual
tradition. He emphasized Mary
brought a message of Hope; that is why we are here today, to pray and
make reparation and remember what Our Lady said: “In the End My
Immaculate Heart will Triumph!” All of the personal prayer intentions
that people submitted - from those present, and around the world, were
placed on the altar.
To the music of “Immaculate Mary,”
a procession entered the church where four men carried a replica of
the International Pilgrim Virgin statue on their shoulders. Bishop
Bejarano processed in along with Father Ignatius Kipchirchir and Deacon Frank
Reilly leading the faithful into the
At the beginning of the Holy Mass,
Bishop Bejarano offered some very inspiring words: “We have come here
to celebrate the Queenship of Mary and to crown her image. Together,
we are called to always keep our hope in the Lord, not to lose our
hope, because Jesus has conquered the world.”
In his homily, referring to the
Gospel, Bishop Bejarano revealed more about how Jesus has indeed
conquered the world – yes, even when we see so much evil now – wars,
bombings, crime scenes, but Jesus did not say he was eliminating our
suffering. Jesus is above everything that happens in the world. He is
above the storm, He is above illness, He is above the persecution.
Jesus wants us to have peace – no matter what, if we belong to Christ,
we are always going to be with Christ. He is not going to let us be
snatched away from His hand. His Excellency exhorted us to
not let anyone, or anything, take away the peace
that Jesus gives us. No matter what happens in the world, Jesus is
above the world. No matter if we sin, Christ is always going to call
us to be faithful, we just have to listen, we just have to respond, we
just have to believe and trust.
Bishop Bejarano also spoke about
Our Lady of Fatima’s July 13,
1917 apparition to the three children, showing them a vision of hell
and at the end of the message saying that her Immaculate Heart will
triumph. What does this mean? It is an absolute declaration, that no
matter what, the ultimate triumph is - or belongs, to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary. Why? Because Jesus has already conquered the world and
nothing is going to change that.
In the video, the homily begins at
Following his homily, Bishop
Bejarano said a prayer and blessed the crown of flowers with holy
water. Then, as the Salve Regina was sung, a young girl from the
parish placed it on the head of the Blessed Mother. Then the Bishop
reverenced the statue with incense and said: “May the Immaculate Heart
of Our Blessed Mother always conquer the world.”
Finally, Bishop Bejarano prayed the
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and then the closing hymn of Hail
Holy Queen was sung. Following mass, the faithful then lined up to
spend time with Our Lady and venerate the relics of Saints Jacinta and
Please Enjoy the
Marian Holy Hour and Virtual May Crowning Recording!
Catholic Action friends and family! Together, let us continue to invoke Our Lady
of Fatima’s aid as a loving mother and ask her to intercede with her
Son to bring comfort and a divine reprieve to all of us in our needs
and sufferings.
Also, let us “Storm Heaven” so the
divine gifts of Faith, Hope, and Charity may abound throughout the
world. I pray that Our Lady of Fatima may bless you and your loved
ones now and always!
Crowning 2024 Photo Gallery
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith
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