We hope that you are well during this uncertain and unprecedented time.
As you may know, we had to cancel our annual advocacy conference, Capitol Hill Days, because of the ongoing public health crisis. We were disappointed that we couldn't bring hundreds of activists together in D.C. to advocate for reproductive rights and health, but we weren't going to let it stop us!
So we shifted to a digital event. Over four days, people all across the country came together to fight back against Donald Trump's deadly policies, like the Global Gag Rule, that have devastated access to reproductive health care globally. They joined us to call on Congress to end the Global Gag Rule, and to invest $1.6 billion in international family planning—including $111 million for UNFPA—to ensure access to health care around the world.
We started off the weekend with a kick-off call on Friday, March 27, where 95 activists from across the country joined us to hear about all the ways they could take action to advocate for reproductive health and rights around the globe. We were joined by Melvine Ouyo, a reproductive health care expert and #Fight4HER advocate from Nairobi, Kenya, who talked about the critical importance of repealing the Global Gag Rule and investing in international family planning and reproductive health programs.
Later on Friday, we stormed Twitter with a #Fight4HER rally. More than 2,000 people participated in the rally, which reached over 9.2 million people—our most successful social media engagement to date. Notably, #Fight4HER trended on Twitter in the United States, thanks to activists and partner organizations sharing powerful videos about why they support repealing the Global Gag Rule.
On Saturday and Sunday, we released a series of digital sessions, giving participants the opportunity to connect virtually with a great lineup of reproductive health and progressive organizing experts who spoke about the crucial need for reproductive justice, relayed the devastating impact of Trump's Global Gag Rule and other policies, and shared advocacy and organizing pro tips.
On Monday, March 30, we flooded congressional offices with emails, tweets, and phone calls to demand access to comprehensive reproductive health care around the world. In all, 980 advocates sent 3,224 messages to their members of Congress, and constituents held virtual meetings with congressional offices in key states across the country. We engaged with key members of Congress, including Rep. Susie Lee, who joined our Nevada activists for their virtual meeting. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Rep. Annie Kuster, and Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick tweeted out their support for the #Fight4HER to repeal the Global Gag Rule.
Our activists made it clear that global reproductive health needs to be a top priority, and we could not be more grateful for everyone who helped us take Capitol Hill Days online. If you missed the action, you can still join in by calling on your elected officials to support policies that expand access to comprehensive reproductive health care around the world.
We look forward to continuing the fight online and hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!
In solidarity,

Rebecca Harrington
Senior Director of Advocacy and Outreach
Population Connection Action Fund