Hi Friend
It's no exaggeration to say that local government is in crisis. Up
and down New Zealand, councils are trying to stiff ratepayers with
hikes of 10, 15, and even 20 percent this year alone.
Meet Grace Ayling: former Taxpayers' Union staffer, now district

Around the country there are some elected officials who are on the
ratepayers' side: asking the tough questions of officials, and
determined to deliver rate increases no higher than is absolutely
One of those centre-right councillors is our former Grassroots and
Engagement Coordinator, Grace Ayling.
After leaving the Taxpayers' Union to become a mum, Grace stood for
her local Wairarapa council, in Carterton.
Grace was elected to the Council on a platform of stopping wasteful
spending, such as the huge amounts the small rural council was pumping
into cycleways that barely anyone was using. As a young family just
starting off on the housing ladder, Grace wants her local council to
focus on delivering core services and basic infrastructure well (don't
we all!).
Not only was Grace elected, she walked the talk! Grace is known for
respectfully challenging Council officials on spending, rates, (and,
yes, cycle ways).
Earlier this month, Grace even made a submission on the Council's
Long Term Plan (10-year budget). You
can read her submission here – it is totally consistent with her
election platform to seek value for money for ratepayers.
Council officials move to ban Grace from participating in council
It turns out, officials do not like being challenged
by a councillor. Instead of allowing Grace to advocate her well known
views (and fulfil on her election promises to advocate for prudent
spending) the Council CEO and officials have mounted a campaign to
exclude Grace from the council hearings that consider the Long Term
Plan/10-year Budget.
...on the basis that she doesn't want higher rates 🤯
The officials claim that a councillor who had expressed views on
rates is no longer 'independent' and has a conflict of interest in
terms of decisions about rates and spending.
Yesterday, on the
basis of "informal advice" from Local Government New Zealand, the
Council kicked Grace out of the hearings committee (which every
councillor usually sits on) because, in the Chair's view, Grace
might not be able to accept other views with an open mind
and is therefor 'conflicted'.
It wasn't even voted on by councillors (in and of itself a breach
of the Council's standing orders). Officials just 'determined' that
Grace had to leave.
We say democracy is not a conflict of interest 🗳️
, we can all understand that for some decisions, such as Resource
Management Act applications, or regulations, sometimes councils have
to ensure they are quasi-judicial and independently-minded in their
But a Long Term
Plan / 10-year Budget is by its very nature political! How can a
democracy work when a politician expressing her views justifies
officials in excluding her from the very decisions she was elected to
advocate on?!
sort of behaviour is just one reason why local Government is so
broken. Join us in standing with Grace and challenging both Carterton
District Council's CEO, and LGNZ's outrageous attempt to de-platform a
councillor they don't like the views of.
Councillors are
elected because voters know the position they'll take
on key issues. Suggesting councillors are conflicted because they
advocate for the same policies once elected that they promised to do
before an election is patently ridiculous.
But unless we help Grace and push back, the left wing officials, LGNZ,
and special interests will keep winning.

The double-standard: Only one side being targeted? 🤔
Friend, can you honestly tell me when a left-leaning councillor
didn't have thoughts on say, rates increases, cycle paths or
other vanity projects? Has anyone ever suggested excluding them?
Three years ago, at the very same Carterton District
Council, the then-Mayor publicly campaigned in favour
of cycle way spending. It was a key issue in that debate, and guess
what: the Mayor had the casting vote!
Was there a fuss then? Of course not, because, erm, that's
We both know it's
because Grace has the 'WRONG' views and has rocked the boat. Somehow
that's now a disqualifier.
That's why , when I heard about what was happening, I asked Grace
whether we could raise funds to (if necessary) legally challenge the
Council/LGNZ to make the law clear: democracy is in charge, not the
officials excluding politicians for daring to think differently.
Friend – we have stood up for councillors who have been attacked by
officials before – but excluding a councillor from participating and
voting on the budget is next level. Will
you join me in the corner of democracy so we can fight back?
This isn't about cycle paths, or just Carterton. This is about
democracy – and we can only preserve it if we do this together. Across
New Zealand we see centre-right councillors being bullied and 'put in
their place'. It's time we fought back.
Will you fight for
local democracy, Friend?
Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’
ps. Like Three Waters, this is a
legal fight as much as a political one, and requires your
support. Your
support means the Taxpayers' Union can mount a combined grassroots and
legal effort to promote local democracy and advocate for more
accountability in local government.