Gun Buying Frenzy: Facts and Fallout The Trace reported on April 2 that the number of background checks for gun sales reached an all-time high in March of this year, surging 12% beyond the last high set in 2015. While background checks serve as a proxy for gun sales, the numbers can only provide a basis for estimates since only one background check is conducted for each sale, no matter the number of guns being sold. Small Arms Analytics, a firm that tracks gun sales, estimates from the background check data that 2,600,000 guns were sold in March of this year. Stores in many states are staying open in spite of orders to close, further endangering employees, consumers, and the general public by encouraging the spread of the virus. As some store owners openly flaunt public health measures, the NRA and other organizations have been mobilizing to bring lawsuits against states that have ordered gun shops to temporarily close. The NRA has also been ramping up the rhetoric driving gun sales by stoking people’s fear of the release of non-violent offenders from prison, and of non-existent “gun confiscation during declared. | |