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Editor's Note:

As election season ramps up and voters wonder if the chaos of 2020 will be repeated, Congress is considering new legislation to prevent non-citizens from casting a ballot. This prohibition against foreigners' voting in a US election should be automatic, but as Mike Lee describes, there are many loopholes across the country. The SAVE Act needs to be passed. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Without The SAVE Act, The Only Thing Keeping Foreigners From Voting Is The Honor System
May 15, 2024

Congressional Democrats insist that the SAVE Act — which requires proof of citizenship to establish eligibility to vote in federal elections — is unnecessary because federal law (18 USC § 611) already prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections.

Those making this argument ignore a glaring problem: the government officials who register voters and conduct federal elections aren’t allowed to require proof of citizenship.

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