From 4Culture <[email protected]>
Subject Public Art Calls for Artists + May 2024
Date May 15, 2024 5:59 PM
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4Culture + Public Art Calls
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Each month we send out artist calls managed by 4Culture, as well as a selection of calls submitted to us by organizations around the world. Visit our website ([link removed]) to see all open calls, grants, jobs, and other opportunities.

** Selected Listings
Stevens Point Sculpture Park

** Stevens Point Sculpture Park Juried Call, WI

Deadline: May 17, 2024
Budget: $2,000
Eligibility: Open to all artists

Details › ([link removed])
Wake County

** RFQ: Public Art for Wake County Parks, NC

Deadline: May 24, 2024
Budget: $50,000
Eligibility: Open to artists living in United States

Details › ([link removed])
Meydenbauer Center & Visit Bellevue

** Digital Art for Meydenbauer Center Storefront

Deadline: May 26, 2024
Budget: $7,500
Eligibility: Open to artists living in the United States

Details › ([link removed])
Orange County Arts & Cultural Affairs

** RFQ: The Enclave by Archway Partners, FL

Deadline: June 3, 2024
Budget: $72,750
Eligibility: Open to professional artists working in any appropriate media

Details › ([link removed])
Utah Tech University, Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management, and the Utah Division of Arts & Museums Public Art Program

** Utah Tech University Performing Arts Center

Deadline: June 7, 2024
Budget: $170,000
Eligibility: Open to artists living in the United States

Details › ([link removed])
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** 4Culture ([link removed])

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