
What would Janelle Stelson’s support for Single Payer Healthcare mean for you?

First, it’s a bit stunning that any serious candidate for Congress would support socialized medicine.

Chip-in to help me defeat Janelle.

According to experts, Single Payer Healthcare is estimated to cost the federal government roughly $28-32 TRILLION over the next decade.

This would increase the federal budget by about 60% and, to pay for it, Congress would need to TRIPLE PAYROLL TAXES and/or DOUBLE ALL OTHER TAXES.

Aren’t your taxes high enough?

Before we even get to the impact on the quality of care we receive, Stelson’s plan cripples our economy and forces good paying jobs to be sent overseas to China.
As far as the impact on quality of care, the Congressional Budget Office’s official report concluded that a Single Payer Healthcare system would cause “increased wait times for appointments or elective surgeries, greater wait times at doctors’ offices and other medical facilities, or the need to travel greater distances to receive medical care.”

We can stop this disaster, but we must defeat radical Leftist Janelle Stelson this November.

We know that Washington’s Democrat machine is pumping millions into her campaign because she’s an easy, obedient rubberstamp for their radical agenda.

Will you chip-in today? $10, $25, $50, or ANY AMOUNT to make sure we have the resources we need to fight this.
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Thank you and God Bless.


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