Hi there!
It’s true. I believe in love at first sight… when it comes to birding (🦉💕🔭)! And usually at this time of year, my birder heart is set on spotting Cerulean Warblers and American Bitterns.
But this month, I’m looking out for one bird in particular: the hen. Or rather, over a million hens.
They’re not an endangered species. But the cages they’re crammed into endanger their physical and mental health.
Chickens are the most abused bird—and land animal—in the world (fact). Years ago, companies promised to end one of the worst abuses these animals endure (fact). These brands are honoring their commitments (fiction?).
When these companies refuse to show proof of their cage-free transitions (or for others, refuse to go cage-free at all), we can’t let them out of our sight.
Exciting Eggsposé updates!
- 🥚 The campaign is only a few weeks old, and we already have around 1,000 petition signatures. 30K+ actions taken. These numbers tell me we’re at the beginning of something big. ❤️
- 🐣 Amazing work! Leaders at corporations like Rubio’s, CKE (Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr.), and Jack’s are hearing you loud and clear. Taco John’s is blocking consumers on social media. If you keep sending emails and making phone calls, they’re bound to crack!
- 🐥 When it comes to animal advocacy, there’s no such thing as overeggsposure. Let’s stand firm, and keep shining a light on these companies—Eggsposé targets need to hear from you today!
🎉 As if we didn’t have enough good news to share, next week is the 4th anniversary of our Fast Action Network (FAN)! Taking these quick, ready-made actions on our app has led to victory after victory for factory-farmed animals. 👏
We’ve stocked up on 🆕 actions, because we’re in it to win it. We’re not stopping. Not when we’re this close to making a sizable impact for animals.
And we’re not just celebrating FAN—we’re celebrating you for being here for the animals! If you sign up on FAN to take actions, we’ll send you a promo code for 25% off any item in our store! The promo code is active until June 17.

Kelly Myers
Director of Corporate Engagement |
P.S. For some seasonal action-taking inspiration, here’s a photo I took of a slaty flowerpiercer!