From Angela Alsobrooks <[email protected]>
Subject I’m the Democratic nominee in Maryland!
Date May 15, 2024 3:25 PM
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Folks, it’s official: I just won the Maryland U.S. Senate Democratic primary and will be taking on Republican Larry Hogan in November.

Make no mistake, Larry Hogan won’t be easy to beat. He was handpicked by Mitch McConnell and his MAGA allies have already started pouring in millions of dollars to defeat me.

The GOP’s plan to take back the Senate majority hinges on Maryland. That’s why I need your help stopping them starting right now.

My team has a 10,000 General Election Founding Donor Goal that we must hit within the next week to have the resources to start the general on the right foot. Will you chip in a split grassroots donation right now between my campaign and Lisa Blunt Rochester to become a General Election Founding Donor? [[link removed]?]

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As Prince George’s County Executive and a former state’s attorney, I’ve spent my career fighting on behalf of Maryland families. In the Senate, I’ll be a strong voice in support of abortion rights, equality, education, and economic opportunity.

But, my Republican opponent Larry Hogan? He’s working against our Maryland values.

As Governor, he vetoed a $15 minimum wage, common sense gun legislation, and access to increased reproductive and abortion care in Maryland.

On the campaign trail, he has continually flip-flopped on the issues because he’s afraid to stand up to his party. He’s even called access to reproductive care an “emotional issue for women”.

The simple truth is this: Mitch McConnell is banking on flipping this seat and using Hogan’s vote to pass a national abortion ban, destroy Social Security and Medicare, and give tax breaks to MAGA big money donors.

I look forward to making sure every Maryland voter knows just how dangerous Larry Hogan would be in the U.S. Senate. But, we need resources immediately to start putting his feet to the fire.

We just have 6 months to win this race, so we need your help ASAP. Will you split a donation of $25 between Lisa Blunt Rochester and my campaign to become a General Election Founding Donor and defeat Republican Larry Hogan in November? [[link removed]?]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split between Angela Alsobrooks and Lisa Blunt Rochester immediately:

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Thanks for your support,

Angela Alsobrooks

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In 2022, Mitch McConnell's personally-aligned Super PAC spent a record-breaking $205 million on Senate Races. And that number is likely to increase in 2024!
Help us make history by sending Lisa Blunt Rochester to the Senate!
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Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate
PO BOX 9767
Wilmington, DE 19810
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Paid for by Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate
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