Montana hasn’t voted for a Democrat for president since Bill Clinton in 1992. But they keep sending Democrat Jon Tester to the Senate.
Because he works hard and does his job for the people he represents. (What a concept!)
He’s a third generation farmer, and the ONLY working dirt farmer in the Senate - his Montana roots run deep. He’s a fighter for our shared values, and he works his tail off every day for the people of Montana.
And if he isn't re-elected in 2024, there's no way Democrats can hold the Senate.
Experts are predicting that Jon’s re-election campaign is going to be the most expensive race in the history of Montana. He can’t defeat the McConnell money machine on his own, John. We need to step up for him.
Jon Tester’s race is a must-win in order for Democrats to hold the Senate. Absolutely everything is at stake, and McConnell’s dirty money dump into Montana is just beginning.
Fight The Right PAC is a trailblazing Democratic organization dedicated to taking the fight directly to Republicans at every level. And with the White House on the line in 2024, we need all hands on deck. Republicans will pull out every dirty trick to win, and Fight the Right will be there to make their attacks backfire! Join with fellow Democrats by clicking here to follow us on Facebook.