It doesn’t have to be this way

Dear Fellow American,

Are you tired of being told that everything is going fine in America today?

It’s a big lie. It’s a lie being told by Adam Schiff and Joe Biden (one of many) to stay in power. And it’s a lie that good people like you are ALWAYS forced to pay the price for.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Opening our borders is a CHOICE.

Siding with violent criminals over our brave police is a CHOICE.

Spending our country into an oblivion of debt and inflation is a CHOICE.

Allowing homelessness and addiction to render our streets and neighborhoods unsafe is a CHOICE.

Accepting failed public schools is a CHOICE.

And the ones making these “choices” for a combined 79 years in office?

That would be Adam Schiff and Joe Biden.

Eight decades is enough.

Heck, in my baseball days, you wouldn’t be given eight innings with such pathetic performance before you’d be sent packing to the minor leagues.

Well, that’s what you and I need to do to Schiff + Biden on November 5th.

They’ve got all the money in the world to use against us, so if you’d kindly consider making a one-time contribution of any amount to join my Garvey for Senate campaign team, it’d mean the world to me.

Please follow this link to make your generous contribution today.

Let’s go win this thing!

- #6 Steve Garvey Steve Garvey

P.S. If you’ve had enough and are ready to help build the grassroots groundswell of a movement needed to defeat Adam Schiff on November 5th, please rush your contribution by following this link today.
