Vote Early
Click here to see the candidates I’ve endorsed!

Speaking at Second Baptist Church

In my interview with Dr. Phil a few weeks ago, I said that I want to become a full-time pastor after leaving office and when time allows while in office, fill in for pastors when they are away.

Dr. Ed Young of Second Baptist Church, my pastor of 28 years, asked me to speak this Mother’s Day. You can click here to watch the clip.

Mother's Day

A Fantastic Turnout at the Northwest Forest Republican Women’s Club Luncheon

I spoke at the Northwest Forest Republican Women’s (NWFRW) Club on Monday in Harris County. Pictured below (from left to right) is Marcia Fitzpatrick, NWFRW’s Program Director, and their amazing President Nancy Radcliffe.

It was a full house with over 250 people in attendance, plus many elected leaders from Harris County.

Make Sure to Vote in the Critical Primary Runoff Election
Click here to see the candidates I’ve endorsed!

Vote Early

Early Voting in the Primary Runoff begins on Monday, May 20th and runs through Friday, May 24th. Election Day is Tuesday, May 28th. Mark your calendars and plan your trip to the polls to vote in this critical election! To see the candidates I’ve endorsed, please click here.

Thank you all for your support and everything you do to keep Texas red. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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