Wall Street banks invested more than $705 BILLION in fossil fuels last year. Sign now to demand the biggest banks stop funding fossil fuels.

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They're investing John's money in the fossil fuels that are killing the planet.

An illustration shows the brave little girl statue n wall street facing down a charging bull statue and also the planet on fire
Over the past 8 years the world's biggest banks have poured $6.9 trillion into fossil fuels
Tell Wall Street Banks: Stop funding fossil fuels and climate chaos. Sign now

Here are our demands, which we'll deliver as part of the summer of heat on Wall Street actions starting in a few weeks:

  1. Immediately stop all lending to new or expanded fossil fuel projects.
  2. Align your investments with the goals of the Paris climate agreement’s 1.5 C goal, and international science models of the emissions reductions needed to achieve that goal.
  3. Publish detailed progress reports and transition plans on the 1.5 C goal as part of your annual shareholder meetings and investor reports.
  4. Protect human rights and center the rights of Indigenous Peoples, especially the right to Free Prior and Informed Consent, in all lending decisions.
  5. Shift financing from fossil fuels to a just and fair transition — including labor agreements, safe worksites, and prevailing wages — so we build back better in the new green economy of the future.



Drew and the 198 methods of direct action and divestment is one crew

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