From Jon Tester <>
Subject we’ve got a problem
Date May 14, 2024 9:59 PM
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Hey John, I was looking through our fundraising numbers with the team over my morning coffee and wanted to reach out.

I need to be honest: I hate asking for your money.

But today, I have to—because we’ve got a huge problem.

Political experts call this race a toss-up, and outside spending has gone through the roof. Mitch McConnell’s dark money groups are doing whatever it takes to defeat me. And now, my team tells me we’re nowhere near close to hitting our final FEC fundraising goal before the general election kicks off.

Competing with their millions won’t be easy, but the best way the campaign can fight back and respond to these attacks is by hitting our fundraising goals. Is there any way you can split a few bucks between my campaign and Fight for Progress to help us catch up before the FEC deadline?

CONTRIBUTE $5 ([link removed])

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CONTRIBUTE $50 ([link removed])

OTHER AMOUNT ([link removed])

John, our campaign wouldn’t be where it is today without supporters like you. So trust me, even though I hate asking for money, I’m beyond grateful every time someone steps up with a contribution.

Thanks for having my back,



Paid for by Fight for Progress PAC and not authorized by any candidate or any candidate's committee.
Fight for Progress PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States

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