Mark Kelly for Senate

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Hey John, it’s Mark Kelly. My friend Jon Tester is running for re-election to the Senate in 2024, and we’re working to support him. I hope you’ll read the message below from him and consider splitting a donation between Jon's campaign and mine.

Hey John, it’s Jon Tester. I need you to split a donation between my campaign and Mark Kelly before our most important FEC deadline yet. We’re approaching a critical turning point in this race. Let me explain.

Our final FEC deadline before the primary is on May 15th. That’s tomorrow and it’s the last time our numbers will go public before Montana’s general election officially kicks off.

Here’s why that matters: Mitch McConnell will be looking at our report when he decides where to spend his multi-million dollar war chest. If he thinks we’re weak, you can bet he’ll flood the airwaves with even more attacks during the most pivotal moment of our campaign so far.

But if our numbers are strong, we’ll show them that this Senate seat can’t be bought and that we’ve got a grassroots team that’ll fight them every step of the way.

With polls tightening, we cannot afford to fall short here. That’s why I’m asking you to dig deep and help us hit our ambitious $500,000 fundraising goal.

Will you split a donation between my campaign and Mark Kelly to help us reach our most important FEC goal yet and report the strongest numbers possible? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t necessary.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


Jon Tester


Paid For By Mark Kelly for Senate

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Mark Kelly was a Captain in the U.S. Navy and astronaut. Use of his military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or Department of Defense and reference to NASA does not imply endorsement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.