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A Censure has been introduced in the House against Rep. Ilhan Omar, condemning her comments about Jewish college students.


Ever since Israel launched a defensive war following the barbaric attacks by the terrorist group Hamas last October, Rep. Omar has not been shy about where she stands.  And she does NOT stand with Israel or with the safety of Jewish students here in America.

Here in Minnesota, we’re all-too familiar with Ilhan Omar’s incendiary rhetoric when it comes to Israel, Radical Islamic Terrorism, and Jewish Americans.
During a visit to the anti-Israel protest at Columbia University, Omar referred to Jewish students as “pro-genocide.”

It was just the latest in a long line of beyond-the-pale comments, which go back years and include a post that read “Drawing attention to the apartheid Israeli regime is far from hating Jews.”

Let’s face it – the Radical Left has allowed the rot of antisemitic hatred to spread like wildfire across America.

And it’s time left-wing extremists (not just Ilhan Omar, plenty more are in Congress) face some consequences for their irresponsible rhetoric.

So please tell me what you think, and please also stand with me in the fight against antisemitism and Radical Islamic Terrorism everywhere they arise.


Thank you,

Brad Finstad

PO Box 923

New Ulm, MN 56073
