Dear John,
I want to provide you with a quick update on the action we took yesterday against the Sonesta Nashville Airport hotel on behalf of the HaYovel ministry.
The hotel illegally canceled HaYovel’s Israel Summit in response to antisemitic threats they said they received.
However, an email from Chief John Drake of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department explains that the Department did not advocate for the cancellation of the conference or voice concerns about the safety of the hotel guests and staff.
Rather, the Police Department let hotel management know that they were prepared to not only create a safety and security plan for the event but to offer additional support as needed.
With this new information, we are now calling on Sonesta to provide proof that Chief Drake recommended canceling the conference or to apologize to him for misrepresenting his statements.
You can learn what these new revelations might mean by joining our lead attorney Hiram Sasser and HaYovel’s Luke Hilton this afternoon at 3:30 pm for a Live! question and answer session with Stuart Shepard.

Religious discrimination has no place in America. That’s why First Liberty is fighting back.
Sonesta’s actions are a blatant violation of federal and Tennessee state law.
We will not sit idly by as hotels and businesses in America let radical threats of violence - especially towards people of faith - win the day.
Will you join First Liberty in the fight against religious hostility?
Grateful for you,
Kelly Shackelford, Esq. President, CEO & Chief Counsel First Liberty Institute