From Liz Morrison, No Labels <>
Subject Bonding over burpees
Date May 14, 2024 6:47 PM
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How a New Jersey Democrat and an Oklahoma Republican found common ground over exercise and paved the way for bipartisan aid for our allies.



There are so many reasons why Congress is a disaster. Here’s an underappreciated one: There are fewer true friendships between members of opposing parties than in years past.

But Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) have bucked that trend and forged an unlikely friendship that was instrumental in securing ([link removed] ) the recent military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. While the extremes in their parties dominated the headlines with their hardline demands, Gottheimer and Mullin got to work, building on the bond they formed in the gym.

Despite their vastly different backgrounds – Gottheimer, a Harvard Law graduate and former speechwriter for Bill Clinton, and Mullin, a mixed martial arts champion and Trump supporter – they have worked tirelessly to find common ground. The friendship and mutual respect they forged over workouts helped them to work together effectively to advance their shared goal of supporting our allies abroad.

Thanks to their different connections – Mullin with former President Trump and Gottheimer with the White House and Democratic leadership – they could build a bigger coalition in support of Ukraine than either could do on their own.

This collaboration underscores why No Labels’ work is so important – when lawmakers put aside partisan differences and focus on shared goals, significant progress can be achieved that neither side could achieve on their own.

At No Labels, we believe stories like this should become the norm, not an exception. We are committed to fostering more of these cooperative efforts and encouraging our leaders to prioritize the nation's needs over party lines.

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Liz Morrison

No Labels

There’s still time to join the next No Labels Talk!

RSVP for today’s call with Frank Fahrenkopf ([link removed] )

Tuesday, May 14 at 5 PM ET

Join us for an exclusive conversation with Frank Fahrenkopf, the co-founder and co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, which since 1987 has conducted the general election presidential and vice presidential debates millions of Americans watch every four years. Fahrenkopf will walk us through the historical significance of the presidential debates, how they can help shape public opinion and how this year could be different.

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ICYMI: Hear from Dr. Michael Mazarr on reversing America’s decline

No Labels Talks Episode 4: “Warning Signs” with Dr. Michael Mazarr ([link removed] )

No Labels Chief Strategist Ryan Clancy and special guest Dr. Michael Mazarr discuss the RAND Corporation’s important new study on the potential for American decline and renewal, “The Sources of Renewed Dynamism.” Citing historical precedents ranging from the Roman Empire to Victorian England, Mike lays out in clear terms how America is confronting numerous challenges from both abroad and within faced by many great civilizations in the past, in particular our deep political divisions. But encouragingly, he says it's not too late to right the ship.

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