The Michigan Victory Fund is dedicated to keeping Michigan and the U.S. Senate blue. You are receiving this email because you've previously supported Debbie Stabenow. To opt-out of future emails please click unsubscribe . Dear friend, We are counting down the days to summer in Michigan. For many of us, that means heading out to the beaches, hiking, and biking along our incredible Great Lakes. There is another countdown this year: Election Day. And Donald Trump, who repeatedly slashed funding to protect the Great Lakes from his budgets as President, is currently leading in Michigan polls. I've lived in Michigan my whole life. I understand just how important the Great Lakes are to our economy, environment, and our way of life. With your input and support, I authored the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The law has been a critical funding source for cleaning up our lakes and waterways. When Trump was President, I fought tooth and nail to maintain funding for this program, and every year, he gutted it. In contrast, President Biden understands how important the Great Lakes are to our Michigan way of life. So much so that he's made historic investments into funding the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Those funds have gone towards cleaning up our lakes, building critical infrastructure, and protecting our Great Lakes for generations to come. Thanks to President Biden (and you!), we’ve made so much progress together in protecting our lakes. The last thing we can afford to do right now is to take a step back. Please friend, add your name, and join me in renewing your commitment to our Great Lakes today. Thanks as always, Debbie Stabenow
Contributions or gifts to Michigan Victory Fund are not tax deductible. PO Box 4462 East Lansing MI 48826 This email was sent to: [email protected] The first $5,000 of each contribution will be allocated to Great Lakes PAC. The next $10,000 of each contribution will be allocated to the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee. Any contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant. The allocation formula above may change if any contributor makes a contribution that, when allocated, would exceed the amount that the contributor may lawfully give to any participant. |