Hi there — It’s Alexander Vindman.

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Hi there — It’s Alexander Vindman.

I hope you can give me just a quick minute to explain why I’m reaching out today, and why I’m humbly asking you to make a contribution to my twin brother Eugene’s campaign for Congress.

More than four years ago now, my brother Eugene and I made the fateful decision to do our patriotic duty and stand up to Donald Trump at the risk of our decades-long military careers.

We reported Trump’s corrupt phone call with Ukraine — our actions eventually led to his impeachment, and Trump retaliated by firing us from our posts.

Now Eugene is running for Congress in Virginia where he will continue the fight to defend our democracy and the Constitution both of us swore to protect.

And more than that, he will fight for the fundamental rights that the GOP have worked so hard to take away: the right to reproductive freedom, the right to vote, the right for us and our kids to live safe from gun violence.

But he can't win those fights alone.

Eugene’s primary will be over before we know it — early voting has already begun in Virginia.

That means we have little time left to raise the resources we need to win and prove that this campaign is ready to win this crucial Virginia swing district.

So please,

Can you make a contribution today to help Eugene win this race? It’s going to take a big team for us to take on Donald Trump and the GOP once again.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Eugene Vindman and Adam Frisch will go through immediately:

Any help you can lend Eugene’s campaign today is greatly appreciated.

— Alexander Vindman, Lt. Col. (Retired)