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This is too important for me to not alert you. The King County Council is voting this week on yet another radical agenda item that will hurt everyday workers and businesses in King County. This time, they’re trying to push through an extreme minimum wage increase that is guaranteed to cripple small businesses in King County.
This new extreme law would make rural communities in unincorporated King County tied with just one other city for the highest minimum wage in the nation. But the legislation doesn’t include critical small business protections that even the city of Seattle utilizes ensure businesses are not forced to go out of business. 
Yes, you read that correctly - The King County Council is trying to force a minimum wage law on rural King County that even Seattle deemed too extreme and damaging to businesses to put into effect when they passed their minimum wage legislation.

We must stop this, before it’s too late! Can you chip in $15, $25, or $50 today to help me protect businesses in King County?
It gets even worse. The main sponsors of this legislation only represent a tiny fraction of residents in unincorporated King County.  They’re trying to force higher prices on residents they don’t represent, because they think they can get away with it without being held accountable.
Do you agree with me that residents of rural King County should NOT have their businesses and livelihoods destroyed just so that far left Seattle politicians can brag to their activist base?  If so, you can help me stop it by donating

I am doing everything I can to stop this legislation, which would devastate small businesses, from passing.  But I need your help.  Will you donate $15, $25, $50, or even $100 to my campaign to help me continue this fight?

Thank you for your support, 
Reagan Dunn
Paid for by Friends of Reagan Dunn
P.O. Box 40417
Bellevue, WA 98015
Email: [email protected]
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