Good afternoon Housing Not Handcuffs supporters, 

Tomorrow, The Biden administration’s National Park Service (NPS) and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser will begin evicting upwards of 90 homeless people from their tent communities in Washington, DC.

There is still time for the Biden administration and Mayor Bowser to change course and focus on proven solutions to homelessness, like housing and services, and not on displacement and harm.

Click the button above to email The Biden administration and Mayor Bowser and tell them to focus on Housing, Not Handcuffs.  

For more background and to read a statement that the National Homelessness Law Center issued alongside A Way Home America, Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH), Disability Rights & Education Defense Fund, Funders Together to End Homelessness, Housing Justice Collective, The National Coalition for the Homeless, The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, True Colors United, and Youth Collaboratory, please click here.


In thanks,

Jesse Rabinowitz

Campaign and Communications Director

National Homelessness Law Center