Paid for by Mikie Sherrill


Donald Trump held a massive campaign rally in Wildwood this past weekend, and it confirmed what we already suspected — Trump is seriously committed to flipping New Jersey from blue to red this November.

In fact, we just got word that a super PAC backed by the Koch Brothers launched a $1 million-plus ad buy attacking Mikie and House Democrats’ record of fighting for working families, and it’s set to hit the airwaves in NJ-11 any moment now. We have to prepare for even more, because the right-wing attacks are only going to intensify as we head down the stretch of this election.

We’re just a few hundred dollars short of our $25,000 grassroots fundraising goal. Will you chip in $10 to our New Jersey Rapid Response fund to help us catch up before the end of the day? If everyone reading this far chips in any amount, we’ll hit our goal in no time.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

In this together,

Mikie Sherrill HQ