Do More 24 is this Wed., May 15th!


The Relationship Spectrum

All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive, with unhealthy relationships somewhere in the middle. Learn more from Love is respect.

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Explore the spectrum

All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive, with unhealthy somewhere in the middle. Where do each of these situations fall on the relationship spectrum?

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Is your relationship healthy?

Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship. Do you know if your relationship is healthy? Answer yes or no to the following questions to find out.

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Giving Tacos at Bartaco

It's giving... tacos!

Our friends at Bartaco are serving up a juicy, tequila-roasted brisket #givingtaco topped with tangy pickled onions + habanero hot sauce! What’s a giving taco, you ask? $1 from each brisket taco sold in our community will be donated to Doorways! Stop by any Bartaco Virginia location from now through June 11 — Ballston, Reston, or Mosaic District — and ask for the brisket taco!

In the News

Mental Health Awareness Month: What impact does domestic violence have on emotional wellness?

"Studies show that people who experience domestic violence have a higher risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and it may even lead to suicide. To help individuals overcome toxic relationships, Paige Hubbard sat down with Chau Nguyen, a licensed trauma therapist and counselor for The Forensic Center of Excellence, who shared impactful insight on the subject."

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Abuse is main driver of mental ill health in women and girls, say psychiatrists

"Abuse and violence suffered by women and girls is the main reason they are much more likely than men and boys to develop mental ill health, Britain's psychiatrists say.

Experiencing such behaviour can trigger very serious mental health problems in women and girls, including suicidal thoughts and psychosis, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists."

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Deadly Veto

"There is no reason why anyone under a restraining

order should have possession of a firearm."

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