Join CND and the Quakers for an opportunity to hear from the Hibakusha, survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings, when they visit London this June.?


The Hibakusha have been brought to Britain by Peace Boat, a Japanese-based NGO that travels the world to promote peace, human rights, and sustainability. This event is a rare opportunity to hear directly from those impacted by humanity's most dangerous creation. It will be followed by family friendly workshops including art workshops, Japanese crane folding and a performance by dramatist Michael Mears.?

  • Sunday, 2 June
  • Arrive 11:30am for refreshments, event starts at 12 noon
  • Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London, register here

Event supported by NIS, UNA, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Medact, Labrats, Mayors for Peace, Pax Christi, NFLA, and WILPF UK. For any queries please contact [email protected].


Nakba 76: Join the global day of action this Saturday, 18 May


Over 500,000 Gazans have now fled Rafah as the Israeli assault on the city enters its second week, pushing back hopes that an urgent ceasefire agreement was in reach. The situation in the rest of Gaza remains just as dire, and videos circulating this week of Israeli settlers blocking and destroying aid destined for the Strip are a stark reminder of why we need to keep up the pressure on our government to do more to bring this crisis to an end.?


As we prepare to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, or Catastrophe, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their lands during the creation of the state of Israel, we call on all supporters to join the national demonstration in London this Saturday, 18 May.?


This year's Nakba event will be part of a global day of action, expected to span hundreds of cities in dozens of countries across all six continents. Despite the failure of Britain, the US, and so many other countries to bring an end to Israel's genocide in Gaza, the global peace movement in solidarity with Palestine continues to grow!

  • Saturday, 18 May
  • Assemble 12 noon, BBC, Portland Place, London
  • Route map and more details here

You can find more resources for Palestine, including a lobby tool where you can write to your MP asking them to support an immediate arms embargo on Israel here.?


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