Chris Coons

It's never been more important to flip the Senate
and re-elect leaders like Chris, chip in now:


Dear John,

While Chris is focused on combating the COVID-19 pandemic, Mitch McConnell has remained committed to packing the federal courts with extreme nominees. McConnell even reportedly urged veteran conservative judges to retire early so he can fill their seats before the election.

So trust us when we say this: the most important race happening in 2020 is the race for Senate control -- because whoever controls the Senate will decide the future of our courts and critical cases.

President Trump and Mitch McConnell have already made it clear that they want to appoint at least ONE more radical, right-wing judge to the Supreme Court. But the only way they can do it is if they keep control of the Senate.

With so much at stake, we simply can't afford to let Mitch McConnell dictate the future of our courts, John. So please, will you chip in $5 or whatever you can to flip the Senate blue and protect the future of our democracy?

Thank you,

Team Coons


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