Hey there,
Yesterday, Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign for the presidency. I know this news was a hard blow for many of us, so I wanted to check in with you.
Making Trump a one-term president means understanding that our problems are bigger than Trump alone.
And while the perfect candidate might not exist, there’s something incredibly important we have to remember: As the largest voting bloc, WE have the power to push the eventual nominee to prioritize the issues that matter to us most.
We are the generation that has been welcomed into adulthood by two major recessions, climate catastrophe, crushing student debt, gun violence as the norm, and injustice all around us. We must beat Donald Trump, and to do that we have to inspire and motivate our generation to cast a ballot in November. The eventual nominee needs to take these issues (and more) into account and show us that they’re committed to working with our generation on thoughtful policy proposals that will help us tackle these challenges.
We need a Democratic president, point-blank. We need a leader in the White House who will appoint progressive justices, who will serve the people and will lead with values of inclusivity, not bigotry.
That’s why we partnered with a group of progressive youth organizations to send a letter to Vice President Biden, pushing him to support the priorities and policies we want our nominee to stand up for. Read the official letter here and stand with us as we push the candidates to fight for the issues that matter most to us.
In solidarity,
Ben Wessel
Executive Director
NextGen America