Act Now! Sign to demand that Miguel Cardona halt plans to close institutions upholding Christian principles.
Dear John,
Have you seen the Biden administration’s latest attack on Christian Colleges?
The largest Christian University in the country is being unjustly targeted. Miguel Cardona, the Department of Education Secretary, has vowed to shut down Grand Canyon University (GCU) and others like it.
He claims that the GCU is "a predatory for-profit school." However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
The university provides a wide range of educational programmes at different price points, offering online courses at cheaper rates to ensure accessible and affordable education for all.
Tell Miguel Cardona to stop this biased attack on Christian universities!
Actions against GCU have already been taken, resulting in unjustified large fines. This is a clear case of governmental overreach.
These targeted actions are not about regulatory oversight; Christian principles and conservative values are under threat. It's about religious freedom, academic freedom, and the freedom of speech.
We cannot stand idle! Tell Miguel Cardona that we will not allow these blatant attacks on Christian institutions.
If we fail to challenge this, it's a slippery slope from here.. As seen with other issues, if we don't stand up, the liberal establishment will continue to push the boundaries.
We must prove we will not remain silent victims of these targeted attacks.
We have been witnessing the decaying of freedoms; if we remain silent, it will only get worse.
With your help we can re-build the freedom our country was founded on. Universities are crucial in this fight! These are the very institutions that form young minds. We must defend our Christian colleges.
Let's not afford to sit back and watch this play out.
Now is the time to act.
They have to hear OUR VOICE. SIGN NOW, urging Miguel Cardona, to stop his bias attacks and keep our Christian universities open. Standing strong together, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. After you've signed, spread the word. Your circles of influence may just be the handful of signatures we need. SHARE the petition.