Sister District candidates helped flip Virginia BLUE in 2023

Protecting Family Planning and Abortion Access in PA

Sister District candidates helped flip Virginia BLUE in 2023 and we saw how critical that was to protect family planning, bodily autonomy, and access to abortion.

"Lawmakers in the Virginia House of Delegates — controlled by Democrats who flipped the chamber in November after campaigning on abortion rights — decisively voted down a bill that would have instituted a near-total abortion ban." -AP, Feb 8, 2024

Anna Thomas (PA House 137) will help fight the same battle in Pennsylvania. Anna will defend the right of Pennsylvanians to make their own family planning decisions without government interference. She will stand up to Republicans who want to make radical changes to our abortion laws, and politicians who now want new restrictions on birth control and even fertility treatments for couples trying to have a baby.

We can give Anna the tools she needs to defeat the 14 year Republican incumbent in her district. Help protect these rights by joining the blitz today!

Your Sister District DC Metro Area Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Mary, Jeff, Sheri, Allison and Lynn


Paid for by Sister District Project, authorized by Friends of Anna Thomas (HD 137).