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Eagle Forum
Pushing Pot to Pander to Voters
May 13, 2024
by Kristen A. Ullman, President, Eagle Forum

“What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?” This is the most frequent question I received over the last 25 years when I participated in over 200 domestic issues for high school students from across the country. At these debates, the questions are student-generated and the “pot question” was by far the perennial favorite, invoking snickers from the other teenagers in the room.  A common refrain was “Alcohol is dangerous, and we allow that, so why not pot?” The kids think they are being edgy, but they are only revealing the masterful smoke and mirrors distortions peddled by Big Marijuana.

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Kristen A. Ullman is the president of Eagle Forum. Kris served as Executive Director of Eagle Forum’s D.C. office from 1995-1998. She has served on the Eagle Forum Board of Directors since 2017.
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