LIVE POLL: The Supreme Court is deciding whether states can ban emergency abortions.
How would you grade the court, John?
The U.S. Supreme Court's 2024 session is underway and their docket is full of high-stakes cases that will impact the future of civil rights and democracy in America.
For the last month, they've been hearing arguments on the legal status of mifepristone, a safe and essential abortion medication — and another landmark case centered around whether a state can ban abortion if the patient's health is at risk.
To put it plainly, John, millions of Americans' fundamental rights depend on the whims of a court they did not elect and do not trust. And we know exactly who to blame for this: A Republican Party who stole the Court and handpicked justices with the intent of taking this country back into the dark ages.
We're asking pro-choice activists across the country to speak out against the ultra-conservative Supreme Court majority and we want YOU to be a part of it. Make your voice heard by taking our short survey now:
How would you grade the Supreme Court?
Thank you,
the EMILYs List team