Smokers and Vapers May Be at Greater Risk for Covid-19 April 9, 2020 "Studies already amply show that cigarette smoking weakens the immune system and compromises lung function. Research into the health effects of vaping is limited because the devices are relatively new, but studies suggest that e-cigarettes may cause inflammation in the airways and lungs. Flavored tobacco products, which teenagers and young adults find particularly alluring, can exacerbate lung infections, studies have found. Smokers and vapers, then, may be more susceptible to coronavirus infection … and once infected, such patients might also have a tougher time resisting an attack of Covid-19." Read the full article >> | | | April 9, 2020 "During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital that people are aware of the serious potential risks associated with smoking or vaping and COVID-19. We must act now to spread the word: - Smoking or vaping may put people into a higher risk category.
- Smoking or vaping could make COVID-19 infections
worse. - Smoking and vaping may increase the spread of
COVID-19." Read the full alert >> | | | |
At the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, we’re doing everything we can to spread the word that there has never been a better time to quit smoking or vaping. And we’re redoubling our efforts to ban the flavored tobacco products that are addicting our kids – and putting them at risk. Here’s where to get more information: Please pass this information along to anyone who may need it. We'll keep you informed with the latest information as it comes in. Stay safe, | |