Our deadline is tomorrow, John!

Here's what we are doing to reach our goal: I am calling every person I know and some folks I don't know yet, sending out emails like this one, and asking friends to help get their friends involved. We are in the throes of a deadline hustle and we need your help.

We are just 11 donations away from our goal, can you help us reach it by chipping in today?


We are up against a far-right extremist this year and, with the help of people like Kim Reynold, he has a shot at beating us in November.

But what does that mean?

It means Republicans could have one more vote in the State House, one more extremist to propose extreme bills, and fewer voices for reason at the State Capitol. But worst of all, our community will not have the representation it needs.

You know what I've done in Des Moines — standing up for the AEAs, taking on corporate greed, pushing for healthcare reform, fighting for public education, and battling for the rights and dignity of workers — and I am not done yet.

So why am I fighting so hard for reelection? Because I love this community, and I know that we need a progressive fighter who will stand up for us instead of kowtowing to the whims and ambitions of national Republicans and their far-right agenda.

If you are able, then please chip in $11 today and help me keep fighting for Sioux City and representing the hard-working families and individuals in our community.

Stand Tall for All,


Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50