John-- We’re approaching our first goal for May, and if we want to stay on track, we need to raise $3000 by our deadline.

John-- We’re approaching our first goal for May, and if we want to stay on track, we need to raise $3000 by our deadline.

The reality is our opponent has the full weight of the Republican establishment, but Frank understands just how valuable grassroots dollars can be. This is why we’re asking you to help us reach this critical goal today.

We know $5 may not seem like much in the face of National Republican’s warchest, but these small dollar donations make a big impact for our campaign. In fact, if everyone reading this email chipped in just $5, we would reach our goal in minutes.


This race is going to be close, John. IN-01 is expected to be the most competitive federal House election in the state. With an election determined by just a handful of votes, every dollar counts when it comes to getting out Frank’s message of delivering for Northwest Indiana.

Whether it’s knocking on doors or airing ads on TV, our voter outreach depends on your grassroots support.

Every one of these $5 donations increases our chance at securing this seat for Frank so he can build on his successes and continue to pass productive legislation that protects your rights and invests in a growing Northwest Indiana economy.

So, what do you say, John? Can we count on you to donate just $5 or whatever you can to this people-powered campaign and fortify our chances at re-election?



Team Mrvan