Let’s Tax Big Business to Build Affordable Housing in Seattle!


This Wednesday, 4:30 - 7pm
I-137 Tabling at the Columbia City Farmers Market
37th Ave S

This Thursday, 6pm - 8pm
I-137 Tabling at Wallingford QFC

4500 Wallingford Ave N


or Canvass in Columbia City

3518 S Edmunds St


Friday, May 17, 10am - 2pm

1-137 Tabling at Mt. Baker QFC
2707 Rainier Ave S

We’ll be gathering signatures for a ballot this Fall to Tax Big Business to build affordable housing!


No experience required, training will be provided on site and you will be paired with experienced volunteers!

What is I-137?


No School Closures - Save Our Schools! Socialist Educators Happy Hour

This Friday, May 16


Chucks Hop Shop

2001 E Union St


Join us to discuss how we can fight the 20 schools from being closed!

Educators from all over (Seattle, Renton, Highline, etc…) get together, chat politics, & share about struggles in their union. All union activists and socialists are welcome to attend!

We often anchor our discussions with a reading, but we’ll provide a short summary so everyone can participate whether they read or not.


Socialist Job Fair

This Saturday, May 18

11am - 2pm


  • Sick and tired of your current employment / under-employment / unemployment?
  • Alienated and alone at work, without a socialist in sight?

Get a job organizing with other socialists!

  • Do political work on the job, not just in the evening and on weekends!
  • Build working class power where we have the most leverage (the strike weapon) against the capitalists – at work!
  • Build social and political relationships with your co-workers, meet regularly with DSA members to plan and carry out campaigns to improve working conditions, organize a union or invigorate an existing union, and eventually spread the socialist message and connect co-workers with the DSA and wider working-class campaigns.