Dear John,
Did you know it’s Mental Health Awareness Month? I see this month as a call to shore up the systems and services that address youth mental health. It’s also a reminder to all of us that we need to respond early to youth mental health challenges before a crisis occurs.
1 in 5 youth have or will experience mental illness in their lifetimes, according to the CDC. And 50% of youth mental health challenges show up by age 14. It can take 10+ years to access help and even longer for boys and male-identified youth.
This is why it’s so important for our work that we reach young people early.
Since 2022, FUTURES has partnered with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, and Founding Investor Harry’s, in Team: Changing Minds. The project educates trusted adults to identify, understand, and respond to young people’s mental health challenges and connect them to support as needed.
What have we learned? We can often support a teen's mental wellbeing through straightforward, everyday gestures. Research shows that young people (and adults, too!) are much more likely to get help when someone they know and trust reaches out. Checking in with and affirming youth makes all the
